Hey Friend!
Welcome to The Studio Sociable !!! This is my mid-month inbox pop-in, where I hope we can just have some fun and, as the title suggests…get social! In this newsletter, I want to share some scenes from my studio and update you on social happenings and offerings.

Prayer of the Month Club
Now is the time to submit your prayers for July’s Prayer of the Month Club, my latest art ministry outreach! I would be honored to pray with you and then multiply that prayer with others to remind them of God’s Truth + Faithfulness!
**Also, as a sidebar….Instagram keeps shadow-banning (hiding) my posts about this, which is breaking my heart! We live in a world trying to suppress things like prayer which makes me even more emboldened to press on. I need co-laborers for the kingdom on this one, so would you join me in sharing about this art ministry with others you think may be in need or interested by forwarding this email?
Pictured below is the now available original Prayers in Color for June. The depth and width, and breadth of His promises are so great! When He claims us as His own, we no longer have to fear; we are wholly His and are promised that He will protect + deliver us! What a mighty gift it is!
“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
I have called you by your name; you are mine.”
Things I posted on Instagram that are worthy of resharing…

The magic of my Cyanotype practice:
If you like these shares, consider following me on Instagram:
Or, I always enjoy a happy exchange right here in the comments! I encourage you to share any thoughts, questions, or responses you have!