Hey Friend!
Have you ever thought about the difference between happiness and joy? Right now, you might be thinking, “Aren’t they the same thing?” The short answer is, “No.” They are actually very different.
These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.
John 15:11
Happiness is temporary and is usually an outward expression related to our current circumstances. Happiness exists only in our minds, it’s temporal, and it usually quickly dissipates when things start falling apart. Joy, on the other hand, is internal; it doesn’t rely on anything superficial like gifts, trips, or personal satisfaction. Joy is a deep, lasting peace that lives inside our souls. Joy is actually a supernatural gift from God. Most of us will experience happiness in the world many times in our lives, but true joy comes only through being in relationship with God.
Think of it this way: happiness can be learned or even purchased, but joy…
Joy must be received!
p.s. Want to go deeper into Joy? Consider subscribing to A Soulful Calling, a special edition of the Art + Soul Newsletter
Simplicity is my jam! I could just sit for hours and paint or observe simple marks and patterns like this one. Truly this is something that brings my heart to such a calm and restful place. Try it; just sit and look at it for a while.
I hope something here puts a smile on your face, inspires you, or warms your heart! If it did, I would love to hear your response.