Hey Friend!
Well, summer is in full swing and July has brought all the heat and humidity here in the Lowcountry. These are the days when everyone either retreats to the water, the wind or the indoors. There are days when we even cry for mercy from the elements because it is, at times, almost unbearable. This is traditionally when my family escapes to the mountains for a few days to enjoy the cooler air and milder temperatures.
While it is hard to manage the heat, that warm coastal sunshine and moist air also produce some of the lushest marsh scenes and beautiful green foliage for us to enjoy. We are still really enjoying watching the birds in our yard, a pastime we picked up from the COVID days. We’ve even added a few more bird feeders and attracted some determined squirrels to entertain us. They finally cried “mercy” on my squirrel-proof feeder and special pepper blend food. It sure was fun watching them try, though.
While thinking about places we ask for or receive mercy, I’m always reminded that every day we wake up and breathe and walk this earth it is a grand grace! And part of that mercy and grace for me is knowing Jesus Christ is my personal savior. It only takes a moment for me to realize just how fragile I am as a human. Without the overabundant mercy of God over my life, I would have no strength or worth of my own. I’m eternally grateful for that grace and how it allowed me to see myself and the world differently. It brought purpose and deep meaning to my life that I had never experienced before walking with God, bringing me so much joy! When we really think about it, every little thing in the world is a grace from God, and if we are willing to ask for God’s mercy, we become trophies of His grace. And that is something to celebrate!!
Things worth Sharing
I just splurged on this colorful inspiring art book on the work of Joan Mitchell and it’s giving me all the creative feels. Check out the Reel here.
Also, I just very anxiously watched The Alpinist. Hold onto your seat for this thrilling look into the mind of an extreme adventurer.
There have been a number of events recently that have really grabbed my attention and made me focus on the fragility of life and how truly helpless we are against the circumstances of the world…except for the mercy, grace, and Reckless Love of God, we are not overcome by these things.
The enormous 5’ x 7’ canvas shown below just arrived at my studio via courier (because I have no way to transport something this large). This will be the next Commission I’ll be working on and the largest to date. My client has asked for something from my Love Letters series. I can’t wait to bring you along for the ride on this one!
Don’t forget, New Art Prints are releasing today! Click here to shop!
My Pop-Up at II Brunettes has unfortunately been postponed.
My family and I recently returned from the North Carolina mountains for our annual getaway. I always love being able to create a number of Cyanotypes using all the lush foliage the mountains provide. These pieces will be part of my next collection release. Stay tuned for dates.
Parting Words
When you think of people of mercy, who do you think of in your life and why? Why does our world need more mercy (kindness and compassion)?
It is mercy, not justice or courage, or even heroism, that alone can defeat evil.
Peter Kreeft
I hope something here put a smile on your face + warmed your heart! If it did, I would love to hear your response.
See you in your inbox next month for the next monthly newsletter
all about Self-Control!