Meditations on Humility
Have you ever become so overwhelmed with a sense of gratitude that you didn't quite know what to do about it?
Well, I've been having one of those months. I have been taking stock of all the blessings in my life and how God has been faithful to answer my prayers and quite literally, move some mountains. In fact, if I'm completely honest, there were several things over the past year that I resigned myself to just living with. I prayed about them, but somewhere deep down in my hidden parts, I didn't really think they would change. But God is in the business of answering prayers, even our weak ones! And when I consider that, it leaves me in a place of utter humility and great thanks.
God is able to do far more than we could ever ask for or imagine.
Ephesians 3:20-21 NIRV
You see, I made the mistake of thinking that just because I couldn't change a situation, then no one else could either. There is such a lack of humility in that kind of mindset. It doesn't allow for the supernatural power of God to move. But, even in my prideful despair, He invited me into closer communion with Him through prayer. And guess what the main ingredient of a prayer life is?? Yep, humility! See how He did that?!
You simply can't pray without humility, at least not effectively. Because prayer is saying, “Lord, I'm wholly dependent on you to change this situation. It is out of my hands, but I know You are able." It means acknowledging that He is both merciful and mighty, wise and sovereign, and has way better plans than we could ever dream of. If that doesn't bring you to humility, I don't know what will.
Thank you, Lord, that Your ways are so much higher than mine. Thank you for teaching me humility. Thank you for giving me hope and a future and for listening to all my silly, insignificant requests, as well as the ones that mean life or death to me. You are gracious and good and so kind to me. I'm sorry I placed parts of my life in a vault as if you couldn't reach them and that my pride prevented me from being fully swallowed up in your presence. There is no place I'd rather be than sitting at Your feet, covered by your feathers.
He has told each of you what is good and what it is the Lord requires of you: to act justly, to love faithfulness, and to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6 CSB
Want to go deeper on Humility? Check out this post.